- Flat black footwear (no logos)
- Bluecardigan or sweater (branded from Lollipops, or unbranded)
- Grey or black skirt, pinafore, trousers or shorts
- White polo shirt, shirt or blouse
- White, grey or black socks or tights
- Blue gingham summer dress
- Small hair accessories eg clips, small bobbles, small hair bands
- No earrings are permitted
- PE Kit to include a white plain t-shirt, dark shorts, socks and trainers.
- Plainhead scarf or turban in accordance with religious or cultural beliefs (no pins)
- No makeup
- No nail varnish
Lollipops Uniform Shop
Lollipops are a local company based at Berwick Hills and cater for all Abingdon school uniform requirements.
Please visit their website:
Please select delivery option collect from; ‘Shop plus carrier bag: 10p.’ This will then be free delivery to school.
Address: Lollipops, 20 Norfolk Place, Berwick Hills, Middlesbrough, TS3 7PA
Contact number: 01642 225827
We are pleased that Breckon Hill Community Centre supports our families by collecting and giving pre-loved uniform to children free of charge. If you require uniform for your child, please pop along and staff will be happy to help you .
PE Kit
School provides every child with a named drawstring PE bag so that PE kit can be kept in school safely.
- White t-shirt
- Black shorts
- Trainers or Plimsolls
- Dark blue / black tracksuit or jogging bottoms / school sweatshirt may be worn if children are cold.