School Meals
School meal arrangements
All Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 may have a Government funded universal infant free school meal. School lunches are £12.00 per week for Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6. If you choose to send a packed lunch, parents are requested to contact the school to notify any change in their child’s meal pattern before the start of each half term. Children MUST remain with the chosen arrangement for the whole of the half term and cannot alternate between two different meal patterns. If special circumstances arise and your child needs to change their meal arrangements, please contact the school office
Packed lunches
If your child has a packed lunch, please send it in with your child in a container with a lid that is easily opened. As we cannot take responsibility for damaged lunches, we ask you to send unbreakable containers for liquids. We ask that children do not bring sweets as part of their lunch. The school promotes healthy eating and has a no sweets policy. Please do not bring packed lunches during the morning and ask the office staff to deliver them.
Free school Meal eligibility
All families from Nursery to Year 6 can check their free school meals eligibility. We especially encourage Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 families to apply too because for every Free School Meal pupil, Breckon Hill Primary School receives additional funding called the Pupil Premium. Please help us to ensure we can access this funding for your child.
How do I check my eligibility?
You can apply online here:
You will be asked to enter your National Insurance number, date of birth and name and dates of birth for each child. You will get an immediate response regarding eligibility after you’ve completed your application.
A paper application is available at the school office or you can print and return Free School Meal Application Form to school office for processing.
Paying for school meals
Dinner Money is paid on line at and MUST be paid on a Monday morning each week to cover the meals for the week ahead, should this not be received you will be asked to provide your child with a packed lunch. School meals are £12.00 for pupils in Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6. Please contact the school office if you are unable to log on to ParentPay.
Weekly Lunch menu available to view here:
The kitchen provides a range of hot and cold courses, and an exciting salad bar, as well as a variety of puddings, yoghurts and fruit. We have a cafeteria system where children choose what they want to eat. The canteen provides meals for children needing special diets, for religious or health reasons. Please let us know if your child has special requirements. The menu below will tell you what is Halal, suitable for Sikh/Hindu or Kosher.