Instrument of Governance
The Local Council of Breckon Hill Primary School
Local Council (LC) consists of:
9 LC members in total
2 Parent Governors
2 Staff Governors
4 Trust appointed Governors
Governors and staff have a responsibility to avoid any conflict between their business and personal interests and the interests of the School/Academy. This is essential for effective and accountable financial management of the School/Academy.
A Register of Business Interests is maintained to record all such interests. The register is kept up-to-date by notification of changes through an annual review of entries and is made freely available for inspection by governors, staff and parents.
All governors and staff with budget responsibilities must provide information on any business interests that they or their immediate family hold (immediate family being spouse, children and parents).
To demonstrate that the governing body is operating with openness and transparency there is an opportunity at the beginning of meetings for members of the governing body to declare an interest before matters are considered. This helps to identify potential conflicts of interest and the need to update the register.
Should a governor or member of staff believe that another governor or member of staff has a conflict of interest in an issue under discussion that has not been declared, they should draw this to the attention of the governing body. It will be for the governing body to determine whether the individual with the alleged conflict of interest should withdraw from the meeting and not vote on a particular issue.
The register includes all business interests such as directorships, share holdings and other appointments of influence within a business or other organisation that may have dealings with the School/Academy. The disclosures should also include business interests of relatives and other individuals who may exert influence.
All business interests should be declared that could result in a conflict of interest:
- Financial – interests in a contract or proposed contract by direct or family connection.
- Appointment – interests in the provision for sponsor governors or interests in someone’s appointment, reappointment or suspension from office as a governor or clerk to the governing body.
- Pay and performance – interests in the pay or appraisal of someone working at the School/Academy in cases where the governor or staff member is also paid to work at the School/Academy.