Special Educational Needs and Disabilities – School Offer including Accessibility Plan
We aim to provide an environment where all children are able to achieve their potential. The school’s SEND Policy follows government’s guidelines, and is available in school for parents to inspect.
Children experiencing difficulties with learning or emotional and behaviour difficulties, or who have physical difficulties which affect their learning, will be included on the school’s register of children with Special Educational Needs.
We realise the importance of early identification and intervention to give children the support to which they are entitled.
We endeavour to work with parents of children who are registerd with a Special Educational Needs to achieve excellence for all.
Children with Additional Needs or SEND have a SEND support plan detailing the extra support they receive in school. Copies of these are available for parents, so they can support us in helping their child to achieve them.
Parents are also informed of their child’s progress at the usual parents’ consultation evenings.
School benefits from the support of Outside Agencies including, the Psychological team and Speech and Language Therapy. Should school feel unable to meet the child’s needs within the normal resources available to school, an application will be made, with parents’ agreement for either High Needs Funding or an Education Health and Care Plan which will access appropriate provision for the child. Parents are fully consulted through the process.
Parents have the right to appeal if they are not satisfied with the provision made for their child.
We fully support the policy of inclusion for children with SEND and aim to follow best practice in catering for individual children’s needs within a mainstream environment.
The school’s special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Mrs Chapman and she will be happy to discuss any concerns parents may have with regard to the school’s Additional Needs or SEND provision.
Please click on SEND Inclusion Policy at the top of this page to read our SEND policy.
Middlesbrough Local Offer
Useful information for children and young people with special
educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families.
Who is it for?
• Children and young people with special educational needs
and/or disabilities (SEND) from birth to 25 years
• Parents, carers and families
• Professionals